Great Medical Pioneers of the Twentieth Century


The twentieth century saw some of the most dramatic developments in the field of medical science. Who were the pioneers that laid the way for the world of medical achievement that we all enjoy today?  Without them things like TQT Studies would be impossible.


  1. Sir Alexander Fleming. The discovery of Penicillin. Although he was not the person, or persons, that developed the drug it was his skill at noticing and deducing that the mould he had in his agar plate was beneficial at destroying the streptococcus bactrim. This helped to save countless lives.
  2. Dr Christiaan Barnard. The first surgeon to perform a human to human heart transplant. Barnard’s skill and judgement was able to make a real contribution to this difficult operation. He performed many others after this one but this was the first and most celebrated bringing together everything he had learnt from performing trial runs on dogs.
  3. Marie Curie. A skilled chemist and physicist she was able to pioneer the work of using isotopes to develop X rays. X-rays provide Doctors and surgeons with accurate pictures of the internal organs of a human allowing them to provide a much better diagnosis and give better, even life saving, treatments.

  1. Aneurin Bevan. The political architect of the National Health Service. He was able to band together the many hospitals and surgeries under one roof. He did this despite stout opposition for the Conservative party and the Doctors and consultants that would have to work the scheme. However by clever maneuvering and cajoling he got them all under one banner to agree. Or, as he put it, he “…stuffed their mouths with gold”.
Written by suNCh8

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