More and more consumers turn to the internet to find exactly what they want to buy

Business online

Consumers are already accustomed to turn to online media for information, products and prices on the most profitable conditions.

According to data from Avangate, the development of online trade is booming. For customers search the internet for information on what they are interested in buying part of the natural process.

Whether to buy fashion last season, look for a home insurance, or any kind of online service. Internet is a useful resource, where to look and compare.With the added advantage that it is possible to hire the service or complete the purchase directly from the comfort of your home, or from the place of their choice, thanks to mobile devices.

One aspect still neglected by companies that have a web presence is the area of customer service. The report reveals that about half of the customers are frustrated about the care provided via onlien, while 4 out of 10 customers complaining about their poor online experience. Also, the slow response difficult to buy 35% of customers.

Depending on Avangate data we can conclude that companies are not yet aligned with this willingness by consumers to buy online.

The report also includes analysis of the demand for intangibles through internet. Thus, 63% of US consumers use online services. Of these, half are extra.

To boost sales of this type of business, type freemium models help publicize the service, and build trust. 60% of respondents would pay for a service you previously could enjoy a free trial period.

Furthermore, flexibility is another highly prized quality in this sector. 50% of customers said they would hire this type of online services, provided that conditions could change, depending on your needs.

Definitely customers want to buy online; but not always the companies are prepared to meet their interests and meet their needs in a timely manner.

Written by suNCh8

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