Four solar panel FAQs

Home Improvement

It can be difficult to know how to best use a solar panel system, so here are four of the most frequently asked questions to help you decide whether they are right for your home.

1. Does your house need to get a lot of sun?

According to the National Grid, there only needs to be a certain level of daylight for electricity to be generated. It has been shown that even in winter, PV systems can still provide electricity.

2. Do solar panels require cleaning?

Most solar panel systems are self-cleaning, meaning they require little maintenance. If they are on a pitched roof that has the right incline, occasional rain is usually enough to keep them clean; however, if you experience a drop in the amount of power generated or leaves or pollen being dropped onto the panels, they may need a clean. This is also the case if birds use the roof for roosting and soil it, if you live on the coast and get a build-up of salt, or if you live in an urban area where pollution may leave a film.

You can clean your own panels, and you will find kits available online for this purpose. There are also many companies, including solar panel installers, that are experts at doing this. If you live by the sea and are considering a solar panel installation in Weston, there are several solar panel installation Weston companies that can help.

3. Can you make a profit?

There is no doubt that solar panels can help you save money on your energy bills; what’s more, you could also be paid for any excess power generated by signing up for the Smart Energy Guarantee. If you take the time to put your solar panels in the best position to reflect as much daylight as possible, you will be in the best position to make money.

4. Do solar panels need replacing after a certain time?

While solar panels are usually covered by a 20- to 25-year warranty, the solar panel inverter may need replacing sooner.

Written by suNCh8

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