Unlike the satiety that is the absence of hunger or the sensation of fullness that determines the time between one meal and another, there is a process in our body that allows us to finish a meal and in English it is called satiation whose translation would be satiation but not There is a word that describes the same. If you want to lose weight or not gain weight, you will be interested in knowing the factors that help to stop eating food.
Both satiety and satiation are key processes when achieving an adequate energy balance or achieving good control of calorie consumption. And although both are influenced by an infinity of factors, next we show those that promote satiation and that help us to stop eating food.
Factors that favor the end of a meal
If we can finish a meal earlier, it is because we have had an early satiation, accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction that prevents us from continuing to enter the body with food. This can be very helpful in preventing excesses and promoting caloric reduction in a diet.
The factors that favor the end of a meal or the satiation are:
- Stomach distention : as food entering the stomach and occupy a place in it, it is signaled via nerves that there is already food and this is the first step for the occurrence of satiation as observed by US scientists in 2004 . So, if we want to stop entering food, the first thing is to eat, because to end a meal it must have begun. It is clear that if we want to lose weight by eating lightly, we can favor satiation with low energy density foods (high volume and low calories) such as fresh fruits and vegetables, soups, non-caloric beverages, sparkling water or ice or rich preparations fiber.
- Protein intake : proteins are the nutrient that produces the most satiation, not only that more satiety gives to stimulate the release of cholecystokinin or CKK in the intestine before its presence according to research published in the journal Gastroenterology. Therefore, foods rich in lean proteins are very favorable to promote satiation without too many calories. Among these foods is the egg white, the white fish, lean meats in general, low- fat milk and dairy products.
- Fat intake : fats also promote the release of cholecystokinin or CKK and therefore, favor satiation. However, fats in general are highly concentrated energy, so if we want a better caloric control or achieve a negative energy balance, nothing better than choosing quality fats accompanied by protein, fiber and other good nutrients. For example, foods such as seeds and nuts, avocados, fatty fish or dairy products contribute more to satiation than oil, cream or butter.
To end a meal in less time and thus prevent excess caloric or achieve better control of the amount we eat, it is best to choose the ingredients of our dishes very well, trying to make them low energy density preparations, that is, bulky but light at the same time and that contain proteins especially, as well as fiber and fats of quality to promote the satiation.
Factors to avoid to promote satiation
Just as there are factors that promote satiation, there are some that encourage us to eat more and more, reducing the chances that we will end a meal, for example:
- Palatability : the most palatable foods that in general tend to be the most energy dense, such as those rich in fat, sugar, sodium or a combination of these nutrients, encourage us to eat more and are less satiating, that is, they are the that they do not favor satiation or satiety at all, and on the contrary, they encourage us to continue eating, according to research carried out by US scientists . Thus, to promote saciation better avoid highly palatable foods such as commercial snacks, industrial pastries, cakes and commercial sweets, among others .
- Variety : the variety in the same food encourages us to eat more and more, delaying the process of satiation or the possibilities of putting an end to a meal. This happens through a process called sensospecific satiety that indicates that we are satiated with flavors, aromas and different sensory characteristics of each food. Therefore, if we want variety that is in the total diet but not in the same meal .
Now you know that for a better control of calories, nothing better than to favor satiation beyond satiation taking into account the factors mentioned above.