Exercise is essential to achieve health in perfect conditions. We have always commented on this, but this time we want to stop at an anomaly caused many times by excessive exercise. It is the disorder known as rhabdomyolysis . For that, we are going to delve into what originates it and what we can do to avoid it.
The rhabdomyolysis is usually always be associated with the sport, and somehow is linked, but not one of the main causes. There are others such as muscle injuries, drug use, hereditary muscle disorders, low phosphate levels, convulsions or muscle tremors, extremes in body temperature … We especially focus on the derivative of excessive sports activity .
A brief description of rhabdomyolysis
Specifically, this disorder is the decomposition of muscle tissue that causes the release of the components of these tissues into the blood. These substances are purified through the kidney, being stored in the form of sediment and causing damage to it and a malfunction derived from this situation.
Destruction of muscle tissue and release of substances into the blood harmful to the renal system. Main causes of rhabdomyolysis
Rhabdomyolysis is basically this, but behind this disorder there are many other aspects that we can not ignore. Those mentioned above are some of them, but excessive sport and lack of preparation for it can be another cause. This is made clear by a study conducted by the Department of Family and Community Medicine of the Galapagar Health Center in Madrid .
The origin of rhabdomyolysis
This report focuses on the origins of rhabdomyolysis deriving from excessive sports activity. Specifically, what happens is that skeletal muscle, as we mentioned earlier, breaks down and releases myoglobin, electrolytes and muscle enzymesinto the bloodstream . Specifically the enzymes that it releases are CPK, GOT, LDH and aldolase; the heme and myoglobin pigments; electrolytes such as potassium and phosphorus and purines.
Risk factor’s
As we have mentioned one of the main risk factors is the development of excessive sports activity , specifically, according to this report, risk factors have been detected such as developing exercise in conditions of humidity or extreme temperatures . The excessive sweating causes potassium loss . If we do not recover this lost potassium through hydration, we run the risk of suffering from this disorder.
Excessive exercise without preparation, lack of hydration and loss of potassium, the main causes
Along with this, the lack of practice when exercising can be another cause, especially if we are not in good physical shape and we decided to perform excessive exercise without counting that our body has a limit. Keep in mind that muscles must be prepared and evolve little by little to go from the simple and simple to the more complex.
Symptoms of rhabdomyolysis
Under the symptoms of rhabdomyolysis we will stop at the most common that will serve to detect the risk of the onset of this disorder. In front of us we have two ways of knowing if we suffer from it. On the one hand we have the physical symptoms that can be seen without testing, and on the other hand we have organic symptoms that are detected with a simple blood test.
The physical effects that we will be able to appreciate in the event that rhabdomyolysis is present are muscle pain, weakness and the brown color of the urine . In some cases, muscle inflammation, muscle stiffness, cramps, difficulty moving, general malaise, in some cases fever, abdominal pain and even nausea and vomiting are detected.
Muscle pain and weakness, brown urine … These are some of the most common symptoms described
The last symptoms described above do not always occur, but simply muscle weakness and pain can be an indicator. Therefore it is necessary that we resort to a blood test to determine the presence of rhabdomyolysis. Blood CPK levels will be determined in this blood test . These values increase after two hours from the beginning of the muscle damage, and at the most it extends until 72 hours.
Keep in mind that CPK is simply a blood indicatorthat warns us of the presence of muscle enzymes in the blood. Not at all involved in kidney damage that occurs as a result of rhabdomyolysis. Therefore when this disorder is detected it is necessary to stop the kidney damage and take care that it does not occur if it has not already appeared.
Prevention of rhabdomyolysis
But it is not an impossible disorder to prevent, since we can do it if we know how. First of all it is necessary that we are aware of the activity that we are carrying out , of the physical form that we have and of what we are capable of doing. As we have always said, it is necessary that we know how to listen to our organism to know when we are at the limit and how far we can go.
A correct hydration, a careful diet and avoid excessive effort are essential to avoid rhabdomyolysis
In addition to this, it is necessary that we follow a healthy diet aimed at muscle recovery . A well-nourished muscle will help us resist more exercise and achieve greater development. The adequate supply of minerals, proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates is essential to achieve muscles in perfect conditions that can withstand the stress derived from physical activity.
Maintaining adequate hydration is also essential and is one of the main forms of prevention that exists. In fact, this is the main treatment that is applied when rhabdomyolysis appears. Above all what is applied is an intensive hydration through intravenous serum that will help us avoid an acute renal failure. Any treatment is intended to prevent kidney damage and the elimination of substances that may affect us.
General considerations of rhabdomyolysis
As a last consideration, we will highlight that this case that is proposed to us highlights that rhabdomyolysis appears much more in men than in women , perhaps due to the greater concentration of muscle mass, since also individuals who have a greater amount of fibers are more at risk of suffering from rhabdomyolysis. That is why correct nutrition and hydration are of vital importance.
Beware of confusing rhabdomyolysis with stiffness
It is important to keep in mind that in many cases this disorder is confused with the characteristic and habitual stiffness . These cause muscle pain and punctures, but not weakness and much less brown urine similar to tea. Therefore, it is important not to be alarmed when suffering from muscle pain after physical activity. It is important to know well the prevention measures to carry them out and avoid unnecessary scares.