How to Look After Your Health in Your 20s


In their 20s many young women develop greater confidence in their bodies and their sexuality, and this can result in their having more partners than previously.

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Inevitably, this leads to a somewhat higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, your twenties are the peak decade of your life for STIs. A higher number of sexual partners can also lead to more urinary tract infections (UTIs). Just over 30 per cent of women get a UTI before they reach 24 years of age.

Many young women will be reviewing their contraceptive choices, especially if they are entering a monogamous relationship. They may be thinking of having children, and this is a great time to do it, with fertility problems much less common than in older age groups.

Laying the Foundations of a Healthy Life

Habits formed in your twenties are essential foundation stones for good health throughout the decades.

Weight control is obviously very important when trying to conceive and during pregnancy. However, even those not thinking of having children just yet need to control their weight, as becoming overweight in your twenties can set a pattern for later life, making diabetes and heart disease more likely. So it’s important to prioritise weight control in this decade.

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STIs which may have been picked up in an earlier phase can also affect fertility. So all young women in their twenties may find it useful to test themselves at home. You can get these kits free in some places – for example, home STI Kits in Bexley are free from bexleysexualhealth. Just get in touch and ask for one.

Start Guarding Against the Sun

In your twenties, you tend to be active, enjoying outdoor activities. But you really need to be careful about sun exposure. If you don’t want to spend the latter half of your life looking like a prune, use that sun screen.

Even more important, wear sunglasses every time you go into bright sunlight and you’ll be a lot less likely to suffer from related eye problems later on. And later on may mean as young as your 40s.

Your 20s are a great time to experience life as long as you look after your sexual and general health. Then you’ll hit your 30s in even better shape!

Written by suNCh8

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