Burpees on medical ball, plank on wall and other three exercises in their most intense variations


There are really intense and complex movements and there are others that varying their points of support, their grip or the run of execution can give rise to a totally different exercise. So today we show you the most intense variations of five years in its most classic form also they require much effort from your body.

Burpees on medical ball

The burpees are an exercise with which we usually have a relationship of love and hate at the same time, because we know their effectiveness to work the body but also are the most strenuous.

Although in itself movements are intense and complex in its technical realization, we can find many variations that enhance these characteristics as in the case of burpees on medicine ball.

The full weight of the body support arms falling to the ground after a jump and they are driving us along the abdomen and other muscles, but instead of resting your hands on the ground we do on a medicine ball will be removing stability And making the movement much more complex.

In addition, we will demand much more of the work of the middle area of the body and certainly, we will demand the muscles to a greater extent than with the classic burpees.

Plank with walk on wall

The plank or classic isometric to the abdomen is itself an intense exercise that demands a lot of strength in the middle of the body. But if we add to this instability due to the movement of the arms can be even more intense.

The proposal is to move from rest your hands on the floor to put them on the wall, for which we must subtract for a moment the support of one hand and also mobilize them without losing the correct position.

This movement works intensely the musculature of the core and calls for greater effort to arm and shoulder muscles.

Crucifix push up or crucifixes

The pushups that force to mobilize the whole weight of the body with the strength of our upper limbs and pectorals are inherently a complex exercise that requires a lot of technique, but if they would add less support and a range of different movement we can Intensify the work much more.

The crucifix pushups must place your feet close together and far apart hands with each other to perform the movement, therefore, no longer bend your elbows but must run a different route in a less stable position, hence the intensity of exercise.

Demand a great effort of the pectoral especially because little mobilize arms and flex in this variant in which the hands are too far apart.

Climbers on one hand

The climbers or mountain climbers are a very complex exercise that requires the effort of different muscles at the same time plus it requires a lot of coordination.

But once we have achieved a good performance technique of this exercise, we can get more out intensifying muscle work, such as removing a foothold.

In this case it is proposed to support only one hand on the ground and considering that the feet are not all the time on the floor but in motion, its realization is truly complex.


The funds or dipppings are an exhausting and intense movement to work the arms, particularly the triceps and require a good technique to not cause injury.

We can further intensify this exercise if instead of relying on a bank or a parallel machine we do on an unstable surface such as rings, but can also be a TRX.

Thus, the entire body will be suspended and hands will rely on a very stable support forces a greater effort to them and ask the middle of the body.

These are five very intense exercise variants in its most basic form also require a great effort. They can help you innovate and progress in your training by representing a new challenge for your body, do you want to try them out?

Written by suNCh8

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