Wasps – What are they Good For?


Here in the UK, we are quite lucky really compared to many other countries, in that we don’t have lots of deadly and poisonous animals to contend with in our daily lives. For example, in Australia, you could go for a swim at the beach and be killed by a deadly box jellyfish, or open your garden shed to find any number of deadly poisonous spiders lurking within! But we have one pest that is synonymous with a typical British summer – the humble wasp.

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Although wasps are not in the same league when it comes to poison as Australia’s deadly creatures, their sting can be very painful and to some people they are deadly as they produce a severe allergic reaction – it is particularly important for these people to call in an expert such as this pest control Chelmsford based company to come in and safely remove a nest if they have one in their home or garden.

Although wasps are not a popular guest at picnics, they are certainly not all bad – when you picture a wasp you are probably imagining the black and yellow striped yellow jacket – the most common wasp in Britain and the one responsible for the wasps bad name as a species. But there are many types of wasp and they are hugely important to our ecosystem.

The worlds’ smallest insect, the fairyfly is in fact a wasp – and is a hugely welcomed friend to farmers, where it lays eggs inside the bodies of the insects that feed on the crops, providing a natural alternative to chemical pesticides.

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As well as this, they are the top of the food chain and keep populations of other insects down – essential for a healthy ecosystem. They also help the much more loved bees with pollination – so next time you are swatting that wasp away from your ice lolly just remember that they aren’t all bad!

Written by suNCh8

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