Tips on Turning Your Garden into a Winter Wonderland


Just because the nights are growing longer it doesn’t mean you should endure a barren garden until next spring. In fact there are plenty of plants that can transform your garden into a winter wonderland. From plants that flower in winter to shrubs with hidden beauty we take a look at how to turn your wintry garden into a festive treat.

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Blossoming in Winter

If you are looking for plants that flower in winter you could go for the enigmatic witch hazel, who’s stems becomes covered in flowers until the start of spring. It’s certainly worth planting a Hamamelis mollis Pallida too which blossoms large yellow flowers and the lesser known Chimonanthus fragrans, known as Wintersweet, which will also flower on it’s stems until spring. For later flowering, from around February, options include Daphne-mezereum with its reddish-purple flowers and the white flowering Abeliophyllum distichum, which also happens to smell lovely. In fact some of the best winter flowering plants smell great too.

The Changing Face of Winter

Most shrubs will of course shed during winter, whilst others will be cut back by yourself. Of these many actually offer a display of stunning stems which are worth cutting them back for whilst others will be bursting with berries until late into winter.


It’s always worth keeping a few evergreens in your garden, especially for this time of year. A few choice evergreen shrubs and trees will keep things looking lush and the greens will offset the oranges and browns of other plants beautifully.

Keeping things tidy

It’s worth keeping things tidy in the winter as it makes life easier when spring does come. A beautiful house will be complemented by a well-kept garden. In fact if you use tips from sites like on creating a stunning exterior, its worth keeping it looking fabulous all year round with a beautiful garden.

Winter Pots

Although notoriously hard to nurture, some garden centres sell specialist winter pots. Many gardeners enjoy the challenge although others don’t, but it’s certainly worth a try if you have green fingers.

As you can see it’s easy to inject some great diverse colour, berries, smells and even flowers to your winter garden. To finish off put some outdoor fairy lights around a fir tree for a truly magical look.

Written by suNCh8

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