The low-pressure causes, symptoms and treatments


Hypotension – a disease that is characterized by low blood pressure, which is not enough to effectively worked the circulatory system of the person.

The prefix “hypo” means failure. Blood pressure is measured using a tonometer. The upper pressure (systolic), – a pressure which the heart ejects blood into the aorta, and the lower (diastolic) – is the level of blood pressure when it is returned to the heart. If the device recorded values below 90 mm Hg and 60 mm Hg, according to official medicine, it comes to hypotension or reduced pressure.

However, it should not come from standardized, and make an exception due to the individual characteristics of the organism. After all, this kind of pressure is normal, which is stored at well-being and performance falls for some people. But in the case where the low pressure causes discomfort, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Physicians are the following signs or symptoms of hypotension:

  • Dizziness;
  • General weakness, fatigue, lethargy;
  • Nausea;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Trouble sleeping;
  • Headache;
  • Irritability;
  • Cold extremities (hands, feet)

Separately taken the signs are not proof of the presence of hypotension, but if a few of the symptoms listed above, and they are repeated often, then you should seriously consider and seek medical advice.

As a general rule, if in time to see a specialist, carefully conduct a survey to identify the cause of hypotension, it is possible to cope with this disease.

Hypotension can be both primary and secondary, acute and chronic.

When the primary hypotension no obvious disease, which causes pressure reduction. The cause of primary hypotension may be neuroses, chronic sleep deprivation, fatigue, stress, and depression. This gives rise to the so-called vicious circle: Chronic fatigue is a state of hypotension, hypotension, in turn, provokes a sense of fatigue, irritability, depression. Otherwise, this type of hypotension is called idiopathic.

Secondary hypotension occurs against a background of other diseases: degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, hepatitis, pancreatitis, rheumatism, arrhythmias, diabetes, brain injury as a result of medication.

In order to cure the secondary low pressure, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, freedom from which normalizes blood pressure.

Acute hypotension occurs with severe diagnoses and is characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Chronic hypotension (physiological) occurs in athletes, people living in adverse conditions (the Far North, the tropics). Often in chronic hypotension blood pressure less than 100/60 mm Hg For patients diagnosed with “chronic hypotension” is also characterized by a poor tolerance of cold, heat and stuffiness, chilliness. Weakness and fatigue, the state of enduring fatigue, headaches, fainting and pain in the heart – all these signs occur very often.

Often found orthostatic hypotension – a condition where blood pressure drops sharply at the sudden change in body position.

At the first signs of hypotension is important to see a doctor, who, after a careful examination of appropriate treatment. Typically, most of the drug treatment of hypotension is not required. To resolve this issue, might be enough to change lifestyle, regularly engage in physical activities, spend enough time outdoors, avoid stress.

To stabilize the pressure is the very effective treatment of folk remedies using various herbal preparations, which have a positive effect on the heart tone. The Bacopa Monnieri is well known and used to control blood pressure. However, treatment with herbs needs to agree with your doctor to avoid the negative effects of such treatment.

If the cause of hypotension is neurological and cardiovascular disorders, it is necessary to see a doctor, so he conducted a survey and made recommendations in the treatment of this disease.

Written by suNCh8

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