If you think driving a taxi is an easy job then think again as it can be tough out there on the roads. It can be a very rewarding job but does have its challenges too. If you like people then that will help because you will be dealing primarily with the public so it pays to be a people person. If you’re not then you may need to brush up on your social skills because you will be dealing with people from every walk of life. The better you are able to get along and relate to your customers then hopefully the better the tips!
There is a great sense of freedom with taxi driving as you will be working on your own for the majority of the time and organising your own workload so if this sounds like an attractive proposition then maybe this could be the job for you. Yes there are rules to follow but most of the time it’s just you, the vehicle and your customers. There is plenty of support available so you’re never completely on your own. It’s up to you to keep your car clean and tidy and topped up with fuel but then you’re free to pick up fares. For Taxi Chester, visit http://www.chestertaxis.co.uk/
Taxi driving can allow you to make lifestyle choices in that you can choose when you want to work. Some older drivers prefer the daylight shifts but be prepared to work unsociable hours and into the night. There is generally more money to be made in the evenings and at weekends when people are out and about enjoying the local nightlife. Working long hours can be part of the job but the more you work, the more you earn so it’s up to you how much time you put in.
Taxi drivers come from all walks of life just like their customers. Young, old, male or female, some old timers who have been driving for years and some people doing it as a way to fund a college course. There tends to be a stereotype of taxi drivers as middle-aged, over opinionated men but this simply isn’t the case.
There are no formal requirements to becoming a taxi driver but you will need a taxi driver’s licence available from your local council. You will need competent driving skills and a strong knowledge of road safety and the highway code. A solid, working knowledge of your local area, street names and landmarks will also be useful as will customer and maths skills.
Remember that you may be asked to assist customers with other things as well such as helping to load and unload luggage or shopping. You may be required to help people in and out of the car if they have mobility problems. For anyone who chooses the self-employed route, then you will also need to keep records and accounts up to date for tax purposes.