Endpoint Security: Are Your IT Professionals Flying Blind?


Your business probably secured your network years ago. You haven’t had a breach and you’ve got a good IT team, so you have nothing to worry about, right?

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Well, not really. Nowadays many businesses have changed the way they operate, with more employees working from home or a client’s location, and even just the ubiquitous ability to get all your work emails on your phone. It isn’t just about securing your internal network any more.

But Our Network is Secure, isn’t it?

If your network is well maintained with rigorous firewalls, all software on the network kept up to date, virus scanning, and probably some encryption for good measure, then you’re probably pretty safe… from ‘traditional’ cyberattacks.

But as soon as your employee signs in from home, you have an ‘intended’ access point and whatever security you have invested time and money in is out the window, because if someone has access to your employee’s device, they have access to your network.

You could just send your business back to the dark ages by clamping down on remote access, or you could look into some Endpoint Security Solutions.

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So What is Endpoint Security?

Endpoint security refers to securing the points of access to your network at both ends, meaning on the accessing devices as well as your internal network. At the most basic level, this is like ensuring that your employees’ devices have virus scanners, but endpoint security goes well beyond that.

When you look at Endpoint Security Solutions such as those from https://www.promisec.com/, you are looking at much more than just virus protection. Endpoint Security involves secure, encrypted connections, with ingress and egress firewalls on the client device as well as the network access point, complete with both infection and intrusion detection systems designed to minimise the risk to your network.

Going further than that, endpoint security aims to protect sensitive data on the remote devices, offering features such as partial or full disk encryption which prevents data loss even if a physical device is misplaced.

The number of devices integrated into corporate networks but operating remotely will only increase, and endpoint security systems can prevent unsecured devices from accessing sensitive data, or shut them out entirely while enabling employees on secured devices to be just as productive as if they were in the office.

Written by suNCh8

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