Following up on the recent article about essential items for the primary school classroom, let’s take a look at nine more items that your class needs. In an ideal world, you will not want to dip into your own funds to purchase these items. Remember that you can sometimes find sources of recycled items for the classroom, particularly when it comes to pencils and paper.
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1. A digital timer
To save clock-watching, a timer will help you to divide your lesson into manageable sections. Children will enjoy helping to set the timer and waiting for the alarm to go off.
2. A set of self-inking teacher stamps
This will save you some time when you are marking children’s work.
3. Goo Gone
This is a safe sticky-stuff remover that will deal with stubborn classroom spillages.
4. Dry-wipe markers in a variety of colours
These are the pens your pupils will need if you have a set of magnetic dry wipe boards for schools. Remember to purchase your boards from reputable suppliers like
5. Staple remover
If you use a staple gun for mounting posters on your boards and displays, this tool is an absolute essential.
6. Pencils and backing paper
You can never have too many pencils on hand. They really are more flexible and durable than pens for art and craft work. Backing paper is available in bright colours and can be used to revamp any tired-looking display boards in an economical way. For ideas for your classroom displays and craft work, check out shared ideas from other teachers. See for some excellent resources.
7. Clipboards
Children can use these when working on the move rather than sitting at desks. They will enjoy using the clipboards, which are sturdy and make them look like official reporters when gathering information.
8. Stickers
Children really love these! You can buy them in all sorts of styles and colours, including stars, smiley faces, and animals, to name just a few. Best of all, you can use them in exercise books and planners to reward work, or children can stick them on their clothes.
9. Snacks and bottled water
On occasion, you might want to reward children with sweet and healthy snacks. Birthdays and celebrations such as National Poetry Day and World Book Day definitely merit some book-themed treats.