Owning a store can come with a lot of responsibilities. Not only will you be in charge of the store’s success and growth, but you must also deal with employing staff and handling the accounts. One important aspect of running a store that is often overlooked is trying to reduce theft. Theft in stores can end up ruining the business, so it is vital that you take steps to reduce it. In this article, we will explore a guide that can help you to reduce retail theft and loss in your store.
One of the most effective ways to reduce theft in your retail store is to employ a security guard. A security guard can put off potential thieves as they will fear being caught. Your security can also detain people trying to steal from your store and attempt to regain the items being stolen. Although employing a security guard full time may cost a lot of money, you should save money in the end due to the reduced theft. Having a security guard can also give your other customers peace of mind while they are shopping.
Although it is impossible to prevent all theft in your store, there are some items that you cannot afford to be stolen. For these items, it may be a good idea to store them in a locked cabinet that can only be opened by a member of your staff. To go a step further, you can also apply security seals to these items. Security seals are designed to sound an alarm when they are taken out of the store, and they will also make the item unusable. When a customer pays for this item, you can then take the security seal off for them. You can purchase a Security seal from a company such as acmeseals.co.uk/
Another great way that you can deter potential criminals in your store is to install CCTV cameras. Ensure that these cameras are pointed at all the entrances, the checkout till, and also over expensive items. If someone then steals from your store, you can go back through the CCTV footage to try and identify them. You can contact a security company, which can advise the best ways to install cameras and how many you will need.