This extension for Chrome prevents you from visiting websites that you’re only going to procrastinate

Technology News

If you are one of those who are distracted so much during your work day that accepts any suggestions to stop procrastinating and do what you have to do, it is possible that these tools appear sent from heaven in your world. A few days ago we recommend some applications to manage tasks and avoid procrastination , and in that same spirit, today we recommend DistracOff.

This extension for Google Chrome has a single goal: to prevent you from visiting websites impulsively when you attack the worm of procrastination. DistracOff starts from the premise of all those times when we simply open a new tab to visit our favorite social network despite knowing that we will not find anything new there, we do it just to avoid doing other things. Someone has to stop.

For those who lack sufficient willpower to prevent themselves from visiting a particular web site, there is this extension. Simply by adding a list of forbidden domains, DistractOff will temporarily block them from distracting you.

As expected, locks are not permanent . You set the schedule free of distractions yourself. You can choose the days and times when you can not access Facebook or Twitter, or wherever you go to see memes and GIFs to give immediate and superfluous satisfaction to your brain as if it were drugs.

DistractOff is perhaps more flexible than it should be, when you try to access one of the websites that you blocked at the established time, it will show you a screen with a little reflection: “Should not you be working?”. You have two options, to give the reason to your new consciousness in the form of extension, or to surrender before your immense need to obtain a dose of that web. Be that as it may, at least you’ll have to think a bit more before making a decision.

Written by suNCh8

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