One of the new trends that have broken more strongly in recent times in the world of marketing and advertising is storytelling. This new way of understanding the evolution of content marketing refers to how we can use stories to generate emotions among our target audience. No matter if they are fictitious or real, but should always be able to afford to emotionally connect with the audience.
This form of communication is not new. As the communication expert says José María Palomares “ is one of the oldest forms of communication. In fact this narrative technique, prior to writing, is as old as man himself .” Before writing was invented and stories were the perfect vehicle for transmitting knowledge within societies. In fact, in every culture there has always been the figure of the narrators (jugglers, storytellers, …), who have managed to spread knowledge from one generation to another through stories.
For humans the stories have always been a form of communication that we can use to get grab the attention of the public and spread our message more effectively. After all, folktales have been useful for new generations memorize social norms and values tool. For example, Is not the story of Little Red Riding Hood a way to teach in a fun way for children not to trust strangers? Precisely this must be the objective of storytelling: that our audience to remember the “moral” of our history.
Steve Jobs and Storytelling
Everyone will remember the famous speech of Steve Jobs at Stanford University, but what few of you will have noticed is the use made of the technique of story to make an impact to the public. It counts three stories that really happened, each with a stunning final moral and all serve their purpose: to inspire a new generation of graduates. In essence, this speech can teach us that the key to tell effective stories is to know our audience: if we know how you know how to reach him.
Storytelling applied to advertising
One of the main problems of advertising is the defensiveness that usually takes the user to it. When they start ads on TV change the channel, blocked pop-up windows in your browser whenever they appear, avoid people who give us flyers on the street, … We are always alert to any attempt to convince but this happens advertising, not a good story! We are always willing to hear an interesting story … and even to spread it! In this sense social networks can be a perfect ally to multiply the effect of storytelling.
Ikea and Storytelling
Ikea is one of the most successful brands are having using Storytelling techniques. Under the name of “Terrace” and “Start something new” we can see two video stories that have been released through television and YouTube, and may be considered as two good examples of video marketing through stories.
Tips for Developing a good Storytelling
- Knowing our audience allow us to use a story that truly is of interest.
- Determine which means we use to convey our history text, images, video, …
- Follow the phases of every good story: a beginning, middle and end.
- Capture the user’s attention from the beginning of history, trying to connect emotionally.
- Brand, product or company should have a role in history. If we do this, we run the risk of creating stories that are successful but no one associated to what we want to advertise.
- It is essential to be original. We can not repeat the same schemes that use other brands: differentiation is the key to success.