The recommendations through “word of mouth” decisive influence on younger

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As reflected in the report Millennial Central report, 93% of them have purchased a product as a result of the recommendation of a family member or friend.

These women say they rely more on recommendations from someone in their immediate environment, that the information provided by manufacturers (89%). Word of mouth or “word of mouth” is above any other means of communication about brands and products.

Behavior that does not extend to women of other generations. According to data provided last year by Radius Global Market Research, advertising baby boomers considered a reliable source of information.

Data from the study of Millennial Central show the influence of the recommendations of others, depending on the type of product you plan to buy.

Thus, when it comes to buying technology products, fashion or personal care, friends opinion counts more than their parents or partner (66% vs 59%). But if it comes to making a purchase of more significance, it is more binding the opinion of the people closest, especially parents (80%) compared to the couple (61%) and friends (35%).

Also, these women enjoy contributing their bit, with its recommendations and opinions. 59% of them shared their experiences with brands and products, whether positive or negative. On the other hand, 40% of them makes these recommendations in order to advise and useful to their environment.

This predisposition to publish their experiences is manifested both when experience with the brand or product is fabulous, as when it is a disaster.68% of Millennials alike transmit their enthusiasm and disappointment, trying to extend his testimony as many people.

On the opposite side, the recommendations by its environment are determining factors in their purchasing decisions. 1 in 2 of these women said they would not buy in a store or would not go to a restaurant on who has received a negative review.

Written by suNCh8

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