The efficiency remains the major challenge in customer management

Business Ideas

Marketers are aware of the crucial role of customer management systems yet meet certain gaps in the tools they work with.

8 out of 10 companies B2B marketers agree that CRM systems that have not always provide the information they need when they try to close trades with high profit margin (Corporate Vision). Few, according to the CMO Council, which point out that the system of customer information with working itself acquires and distributes the sales department real-time information of the customer base. But despite this, most marketers consider CRM technology is crucial and helps them achieve their goals (IBM). What then you expect from this type of software?

According to a study by Software Advice based on 5,000 interactions with potential buyers of one of their CRM systems, what most interests them and is indicated by 45% of respondents is the data management of customer contact. Its ability to take notes (28.1%), which allows to extract reports and analytical (25.9%) or integration with other systems (24.4%) is also assessed. It cares unless the panel can be personalized (7.4%) or having a friendly interface (6.8%).

The results give an idea of what the weakest points of technology companies are in this field. And other studies indicated that one of the major deficiencies found marketers said it was not able to obtain enough information or not knowing how to digest and take advantage of all that amount of data they collect. These are very important in their work, they are the basis of strategies and decisions for 87% of marketers. But only 45% believe they have enough access to them to carry out their work efficiently (Domo).

It is therefore not surprising that the features most wanted in a client management system have to do with the collection, storage and use of customer data and analytics and reports that can be done about them.

All this indicates that the current target marketing departments to improve their productivity and efficiency. The study reinforces this thesis Software Advice: the main reason respondents give to change its current CRM system is that want to improve their efficiency (35.2%), while others seek better features, probably with the same goal in mind (29.7%), and 20% what you want is a better integration of the system than they currently have.

Written by suNCh8

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