What makes a great public speaker


Public speaking is a skill that many people have to learn either as a part of their job role, or as a result of their desire to share their knowledge, their passions and their life story with others. There are many different public speakers and some of them will go on to do great things.

So what makes a great public speaker?

Clear – the way in which the speaker shares their information in a clear and concise way has a positive impact on the audience. A lot of this comes from experience and attending Public speaking courses that help you to hone your speaking skills.

Intrigue – audiences want to be captivated and again this is a skill that can be learnt. It is a way of building a story up, in the same way you would expect from a fiction novel. This means that the audience then travels with you on the journey through your life or story that you are sharing.

Humour – no one wants to sit through a dry, dull speech. Where possible you should try to add some humour into your story or at least make it as interesting as possible. In some cases if your speech is about a new medical breakthrough, it might not be appropriate for you to use humour, but you can at least make the story interesting and exciting. Your excitement will then rub off on your audience.

Written by suNCh8

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