Helping your child learn to drive


It can feel strange when your child reaches the age that they can begin driving lessons. You probably don’t feel old enough to have a son or daughter of driving age for one thing! The time will come, however, when they say they want to start driving and you’ll begin to consider how best to help them stay safe while they’re learning. Learning to drive is a rite of passage for most youngsters, and you’ll want to support them to learn lifelong skills and become a safe driver. Here are some tips:

Assist them in their studies

Yes, driving is more than getting behind the wheel as there is now a theory test that must be passed before they can book a practical driving test. Thankfully, there are loads of resources online that include practice tests, video clips for hazard perception and information on the Highway Code. Perhaps they would benefit from you testing them to help them revise. Maybe they just need some space and time to revise in their own way. Either way, be guided by them and help if asked – you might even refresh your own memory on a few driving tips as well.

Let them practise in your car

Whilst this might bring you out in a cold sweat, the DVSA recommends learner drivers complete an additional 22 hours of private practice as well as their driving lessons. This can also reduce the cost of driving lessons and can help them pass their test quicker. Be sure to place some L plates on your car and look into adding them to your insurance or having their own New Driver policy.

Think about your own driving habits

After years of driving, it’s easy to pick up bad habits that affect your driving. While your child is learning, see if there are improvements that can be made to your driving style as they will be looking to you as a role model. Try not to tell them things which you suspect might be outdated, leave it to the driving instructor. For a Driving instructor Market Harborough, visit   

Keep calm

Becoming a passenger while your child gets behind the wheel is daunting definitely! It’s important to stay calm and not panic. It can help to talk about the route beforehand and other things of note before you set off. Try not to distract them too much as they will be busy processing and concentrating on every single move they make. In deciding who accompanies your child, consider who is likely to be the most supportive, calmest and positive person.

Allow them to guide you

Try not to commandeer the learning experience just because you’re a driver and they are not yet. Take a backseat (pardon the pun) and be guided by them. Are they asking for help with revision? Would they prefer a certain person to accompany them whilst driving? This is their learning journey, so make sure their voice is heard.


Written by suNCh8

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