The keys to realize the posture of the Yoga cobra in a perfect way


Bhujangasana or the posture of the cobra is one of the most used asanas in Yoga sessions. It consists of an extension of the spine and consequent stretching of the musculature of the abdomen area, and it is usually used in combination with the child’s posture or Balasana because they are complementary postures.

It is a very common asana that emulates the position of a cobra that rises from the ground. It can be very useful when it comes to lengthening our back, strengthening the muscles of the same and the arms as long as we perform it with the correct technique.

There are the keys to perfect the posture of the Yoga cobra …

  • The palms of the hands are firmly supported on the floor, just below the shoulders, and the elbows are glued to the body: placing the hands in the correct position in the starting position is important when it comes to getting a good technique in this position. We must not move our hands or elbows away from our bodies, but we can think that the hands are “the neighbors below” the shoulders, and the elbows should be kept at the sides of the ribs. Evidently, when raising the trunk inevitably the hands are a little ahead of the shoulders, but in the starting position they must be placed just below them.
  • The shoulders should be kept back and down and the head facing forward:a very common mistake is to carry the shoulders “of earrings”, attached to the ears. The moment we join the cobra posture, we should think about bringing the shoulders back and down, so that the muscles of the back are activated and that it is responsible for lifting the trunk area while lengthening the column.
  • The head faces towards the front, the neck does not arch back: it is common to confuse the posture of the cobra with that of the dog face up. In the cobra, the cervical portion of the spine is aligned with the thoracic area, for which we will direct our gaze to the front.
  • The hip is supported on the floor and the muscles of the legs and buttocks are activated: we do not drop the weight on the arms, but rather it is distributed between the arms and legs. The hip is supported on the floor, the tops of our feet are stretched and pressed with them against the mat to activate the muscles of the legs.

With these indications you can now perform the posture of the cobra correctly. Remember to inspire spreading the column to facilitate movement.

Written by suNCh8

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