How to change the theme in Windows 10 Creators Update


If you have already updated your Windows 10 to the Creators Update and are the ones who usually change the desktop theme for third party styles, you may have noticed that the way in which the themes are applied has changed a lot with this new version of the system.

The customization panel that existed in the classic Control Panel has disappeared, and finally all appearance options have been integrated into a single menu within the Configuration. A menu that sends us to the Windows store if we want more themes than the default.

This could give the impression that it is no longer possible to use third-party themes, since there is no option to install something externally. However, this is not the case, you can still do it, and we will explain how.If you have read our customization guide for the Windows 10 Anniversay Update, these steps will be familiar, little is changed, except for the way in which the issues are now applied, and that you must download a new version of the patch that we have allows you to install unofficial topics.

Install the patch

First things first, without a patch there are no third party issues. Download the latest version of the UltraUXThemePatcher that has been updated to be compatible with the Creators Update (build 1703).

Run the installer, follow the instructions, apply all the patches and restart Windows to take effect.

Download a compatible theme

The next thing is to look for a compatible theme. You can not take any theme created for previous versions such as the November 2015 update or the Anniversary Update. They have to be updated to work with the Creators Update.

To illustrate the process, we have used the theme Adapta, and the theme of the highlighted image of this article is called Papyros . You already have two recommendations to start if you want to change your theme after reading this post.

Download the .ZIP file, unzip the theme in the location of your choice, look for the folder with the specific version for the Creators Update and there you will find the theme files next to the folder with the other elements of the visual style.

Copy the Windows theme files next to the theme folder and paste them into the path C:WindowsResourcesThemes. You will be asked for administrator permissions to continue, check the box for all items and end.

Apply the new theme

Now that you have copied the theme to your Windows system folder, it should appear in the list of styles installed and available to apply. Press the Windows + I key to open the Settings and select Personalization and then Themes.

Or, use the shortest path and simply right click on the desktop and choose ” Customize ” from the pop-up menu. Then select the Themes option in the left side menu.

From this menu you can change the background, the colors of the Windows theme, the sounds, and the theme of the mouse cursor. The available themes appear in the lower part, next to them, a link to search more in the store. If you have copied a new and compatible one to the Resources folder in Windows, they will also appear there.

You just have to click on your theme to be applied in a few seconds. The process is immediate. Keep in mind that third-party themes do not change the decorations in the configuration panel windows and Modern apps. This only applies to the Windows Explorer and the windows of the classic programs that you have installed.

They also change the wallpapers, the start button, and in some cases the indicators of the taskbar, as well as other details that you can explore for yourself depending on the theme. And, if you ask about the icons of the first capture, they are called Fetch.

Written by suNCh8

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