So you have to train to improve your maximum oxygen consumption


One of the factors that we must take into account when assessing the state of a person’s form is the maximum VO2 or maximum oxygen consumption. This parameter tells us the maximum amount of oxygen that a person can process per unit of time and weight or, in other words, indicates the capacity of our body to absorb, transport and metabolize oxygen. It is always expressed in milliliters per kilogram and per minute (ml / kg / min).

The maximum oxygen consumption is measured through an exercise test and determines approximately our fitness. It can be improved, although very slightly (around 15 or 20%) thanks to the training , and then we explain how to do it.

Our maximum volume of oxygen is determined by different intrinsic factors of the individual such as genetics, sex (generally speaking, it is higher in men than in women), weight, age (progressively decreases as we age) or mass muscular. The influence of training on maximum VO2 is small, but even so we should not neglect it.

Interválico training with short series and active breaks: the best way to improve your maximum VO2

The most effective way to improve our maximum VO2 is through quality training, working to the limit of our anaerobic threshold (the intensity from which there is an accumulation of lactic acid) in short series, between one and four minutes, making an active rest between them.

That anaerobic threshold we are talking about, however, is capable of improving much more thanks to training, also through series of short intervals. increasing our anaerobic threshold will mean being able to stay longer exercising at a high intensity, something that can be useful especially when competing and to improve our training areas.

47.26 ml / kg / min is my maximum VO2 in my last stress test: excellent for my sex and age. The one of Kilian Jornet, athlete of elite, is of 85-90 ml / kg / min.

As a curiosity we tell you that the maximum oxygen consumption is much higher in elite athletes compared to popular athletes : Kilian Jornet, for example, has a maximum VO2 of 85-90 ml / kg / min; while I, who am in good shape to be a popular athlete, have a VO2 maximum of 47 ml / kg / min, and even then I am considered “excellent” for my age. Elite athletes like Jornet or many others can be considered practically superhuman.

Written by suNCh8

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